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Court of the Dead

Nov 12, 2016

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DCon 2016 Booth #527 - Broke Piggy

It looks like the people over at Broke Piggy are going to try and make collectors go broke with all the customs they are teasing for Designer Con 2016. A special 8" Dunny Custom Exhibit, Toy Within a Toy, featuring works by The Bots, Scott Tolleson, Uamou and Jeremiah Ketner. If that wasn't enough, Broke Piggy also teamed up with artist MADL, for another custom exhibit, Bricked MADL. The Bricked MADL exhibit will feature Brick MADLs as a base and work by the following artists: MAD, Kano, Angry Woebots, Deph, Jesse Hernandez, Marka27, Scribe, and Sket One. If the exhibits weren't enough, Broke Piggy will have a limited amount of Pineapple Monsters by Black Seed Toys. Make sure to stop by the Broke Piggy Booth #527, as they hang out next to a booth featuring DrilOne, Leecifer and Scott Tolleson.
Instagram: @BrokePiggy
- Mark-Anthony
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