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Court of the Dead

Feb 9, 2016

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Imps and Monsters - Ten Years of Art by Justin Hillgrove (Now on Kickstarter)

Exciting news! For about a year now Justin Hillgrove has been working on putting together a coffee table art book and it is finally ready to share with you! 

This last December marked 10 years of sharing his art and it seemed like the perfect time to do a book. It is very much a love letter to you who have supported Justin and his work this last decade. Countless hours and energy have gone into into designing a premium hardcover art book with clean layouts and rich content. All the info about the book can be found on (My friend Dave Gerrard is helping me manage the campaign, if you are wondering why his name pops up). 

Whether or not the Kickstarter is successful (it already is) Justin will be producing the book, but he is using it to set up a pre-order with some exclusives as well as providing him with some of the capital to go forward with the printing much sooner than he might otherwise be able to do.  

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book