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Court of the Dead

Sep 4, 2014

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All City Style Trains are back on track and available to shops at wholesale

Big news from Bigshot Toyworks: their insanely popular All City Style blank subway trains are back! Bigshot is now accepting wholesale orders from shops interested in restocking this product which sold out nearly everywhere, world-wide. I'll definitely get some.

ACS trains are 20 inches long and are essentially a half of a train car- back is flat and comes with necessary hardware to mount to a wall. Each ACS train also comes with pegs and holes so 2 can be combined to form a whole train car. A versatile piece. So many famous artists have customized ACS trains that it would be absurd to even begin to list them. Basically, it's everyone you've ever heard of. Go to the ACS website and click on Shows to see a bunch of custom painted trains. ACS shows have been help in countries around the world. I think the last one was in South Korea. Next one I believe will be Cardboard Spaceship... and I only know that because I'm paying attention to attentive bloggers. Just like you're doing now. How meta.

Anyone wishing to purchase single trains, or small numbers, will have to contact your favorite local retailer to obtain them. SRP is $40 each.

Shops wishing to make wholesale purchases can email orders into - wholesale pricing begins with orders of 40 trains. The ACS trains come in 10-pc cases and you can buy 10, 20 or 30 of them but you'll be paying a higher price per piece than you would at true wholesale pricing you get when you order 40+ pieces.

Best of all, Bigshot has for the first tme produced crystal-clear Ghost Trains (pictured below) which are ONLY available at wholesale to shops that make 40-train purchases. Shops can buy 20 Ghost Trains for every 40 silver (original) ACS trains they buy.

The shipment of All City Style trains is headed our way... so get your orders in!

If you need more info, click here to view the most recent ACS email. Or sign up for their email list yourself at the bottom of their Contact page.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book