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Court of the Dead

Sep 5, 2014

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Mazinger Z: Aphrodite A 15-inch action figure by ThreeZero

-          Aphrodite A stands 15 inches tall.
-          Highly detail mechanic parts.
-          Incredibly paint application to highlight all the details with weathering effect. incredibly what?
-          Fully possible figure. posable? only possible if you have $290 to spend!
-          Articulating fingers.
-          Electable breast missiles. (!!!) I think they mean "ejectable" but I'd vote for them...
-          Lights up eyes, cockpit and both afterburner on her backpack.

All typos aside, this figure looks amazing. Hit me up if you want one. I can only order these if I have minimum 3 committed customers. And by that I mean, preorder and pay up front in full. Will ship free within the US via Fedex.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book