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Court of the Dead

Sep 5, 2014

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MintyFresh offering 25% off all Kidrobot items- European readers, take note!

When Kidrobot starts clearing out their own inventory, guess what happens? All their retailers holding stock have to follow suit. Looks like European shop MintyFresh is pretty done with this rollercoaster ride and wants to get off... they're offering 25% off Kidrobot toys until mid-September. European customers take note- this is how you can order Kidrobot at a discount. They still have lots of different items left. Really cool items... too bad the manufacturer killed the market for their own products. Good luck to MintyFresh! I got off that rollercoaster a couple years ago. I've been eating cotton candy and shooting BB guns over at the shooting gallery ever since. I watched all those people lining up to ride the rollercoaster and I just felt bad for them...

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book