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Court of the Dead

Feb 11, 2014

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Klang Customs Galore by Darren Clegg

Darren Clegg, of Klang Customs, completed a few customs that are currently available on the Collect and Display online store. The first is a custom 3" Dunny titled "What Lies Beneath". This custom features a sculpted island and person, which sits as a hat on top of a Sea monsters head. A great idea that is cleverly sculpted, on such a small 3" Dunny base. Priced at 35 GBP plus shipping, this is a nice custom for our friends across the pond. US collectors should also keep in mind that Collect and Display does ship internationally.
 These next three custom dunnys were artist collaborations.

 First up is the Stupid Zombie. This little guy wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed and even as a zombie, things aren't going much better. Instead of chasing the living, trying to feast on some brains, he spends most of his time chewing on his own. Priced at 35 GBP, this Stupid Zombie custom dunny features a lot of sculpting and some okay paint application.
The Demon Banker is the demon which sits on the shoulder of bankers around the world. To avoid competition, this Demon ate the angel which sat on the shoulders of bankers. This custom 3" dunny is also priced at 35 GBP and features some nice sculpting.
The Dunny Eater feasts on dunnys by meandering about, hoping to bump into it's next meal. This 3" custom Dunny has a lot of sculpting detail and utilizes the original dunny's production paint application to pull of the correct feel of it being eaten. Be sure to check out more pictures on the Dunny Eater product page. Just like the others, this dunny is priced at 35 GBP.

From the Game of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister is the 3rd child of Tywin and Joanna. For those who follow Game of Thrones, this custom 4" Munny is heavily sculpted to represent Tyrion. The custom munny comes with a base, a few stones and a Flag with the coat of arms. Priced at 80 GBP, this custom Tyrion munny is great for any Game Of Thrones fan.

All of these customs are available for purchase through Collect and Display but are shipped from the artist Darren Clegg. Check it out and be sure to follow Darren on various social media.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book