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Court of the Dead

Feb 11, 2014


Kickstarter - Game Frame: The Art of Pixels by Jeremy Williams

Most people of my generation are familiar with 8 and 16 bit gaming consoles. These video game artists didn't have nearly the technology available to artists today. Creating characters with graphite and graph paper, these artists were even limited in which colors he/she could use. This didn't stop these artists from creating iconic characters, which span several generations and genres.
Close-up photograph
Close up of Pixel Mesh of the Game Frame - By Jeremy Williams

Pixel art is a kind of representation of those old school gaming console technology, when resolution limited an artists ability to create a dynamic image. This art, according to Jeremy Williams, deserves it's own frame. Thus, he created Game Frame and eventually launched a Kickstarter to fund this great project. Having already surpassed his Project goal of $15,000, Game Frame is going to be made and possibly more.
Game Frame on a desk - By Jeremy Williams

I first found out about the Game Frame while watching the 24 hours of Tested podcast (similar to 24 Hour Toybreak, they raise money to help keep the content going). At the time, Jeremy had only made a few of these Game Frames and with all of the positive reactions received, Jeremy decided to launch a Kickstarter to make it available to the masses. With the project ending on March 9th, there is still a lot of time for anyone interested in backing this great project. Check out the video above and head on over the the Kickstarter page. Game Frame combines cool electronics and art.
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