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Court of the Dead

Nov 5, 2013

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DCon: Mark Ultra Resin Figures - Booth 512


The Mark Ultra is bringing a bunch of new releases to Designer Con 2013. First in the bunch is the blister packed Intruder figure, packaged on micro-cards with art from Alexis Ziritt. The figure is going to be made available in 3 styles, with the Spiritual Intruder version being pictured above. These figures are going to be priced at $35 each. Be sure to stop by The Resin Syndicate Booth #512 to see the other versions of this figure.

Next in the line up is Intrudor, a lumbering behemoth of a bootleg, which stands over 6" tall. Available in painted flesh or black with GID accents, both styles come with two interchangeable heads and features three points of articulation. Limited to only 10 pieces total, each figure is priced at $50.image.jpeg

image.jpegMark Ultra is also bringing the Space Pirate King, which is limited to 6 pieces and priced at $30. These are going to come bagged with a header.

Last, but not least, Moon Base Ultra Dave is joining the resin fun. Priced at $20 each, these figures are cast in white with hand painted accents.
All of these figures are going to be available to The Resin Syndicate Booth #512. The Mark Ultra will also be bringing along some other customs and One-offs to Designer Con 2013. So, be sure to stop by the booth early, have a chat and check out all of his offerings.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book