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Court of the Dead

Aug 27, 2013

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Squid Skilla by Marshall Plex of Donkey Jaw Projects

Most people think squid folk are all about the ink squirts but not this guy. Squid Skilla is all about the Krylon Auquasol paint and comes from a place that is somewhere between the slums of Atlantis and the suburbs of Bikini Bottom. 
He travels the ocean on a mission to beautify every abandoned shipwreck and underwater city wall he can find across the oceanic landscape! 
Squid Skilla is a hand cast and painted resin art toy that stands just under 3" short.

Squid Skilla just made it's debut at Bing Con.  There are only a few left so grab one quick!  And check out the Donkey Jaw Projects store for more cool pieces.

-The Highest Fever
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book