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Court of the Dead

Apr 19, 2013

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The Demon Fett by Josh Mayhem

 Awesome custom...

Josh Mayhem presents The Demon Fett - A custom Boba Fett Lego Clock / Lego Hero Factory mash-up for the Designing Outside The Lines custom group show at 1AM Gallery in SF. Made out of 100% Lego Toys believe it or not (yes, even the cape). It stands 12" tall from the bottom to the tip of the horns and the cape is adjustable. 

Originally I was planning to do what I normally do and find a sweet Gundam kit to mash the Lego Man with. As I was shopping for said Lego Man I came across the Lego Hero Factory toy line. I thought it would be cool idea to use only Lego toys for a custom Lego show. Upon opening the Hero Factory package and analyzing the instruction book I realized that it looked all too familiar and that's when it dawned on me that Lego Hero Factory toys where in essence the Lego version of a Gundam Wing kit (albeit far more simple). So it all kinda worked out.  

This was a fun project because Lego's were one of my favorite toys as a kid. To see what they've evolved into lately is incredible. Lego's are way cooler now then they were back in the day (and they were already pretty cool back then). What I like most about this piece is that it is a designer toy made out of toys that have nothing to do with the designer toy scene. Everything you see here was found at a Target. 

Designing Outside The Lines opens April 26th from 6:30pm-9:30pm at 1AM Gallery in San Francisco CA. To be part of the preview, contact maya (at) 1AMSF (dot) com. - Josh Mayhem

Follow Josh Mayhem here:
     - Don P 
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