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Court of the Dead

Apr 5, 2013

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Featured Product - April 5, 2013

Andrew Bell Android Lucky Cat Series full case 
Business a bit slow? Lacking for luck in love? Missing out on money? Time to get lucky!

Introducing the Android mini collectibles Lucky Cat Series! Created by designer Shane Jessup  and produced by Dead Zebra, Inc these adorable Androids welcome wealth, prosperity and protection into your home or business. The series features 12 different cats in 9 different colors. Each window-boxed Lucky Cat Android features an accessory and a swinging arm. Pick your specific style of luck, or grab a whole case of good fortune for friends and family!

There are many regional and historical interpretations of the colors, styles and arms of the traditional Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko), here are our suggestions:

Gold (right arm up, with collar coin) : Luck in Wealth, Good Fortune
White (right arm up, with collar coin) : General Good Luck / Purity
Black (right arm up, with collar coin) : Safety, Protection from Evil

Purple (right arm up, with collar bell) : Luck in Health, Beauty
Pink (left arm up, with collar bell) : Luck in Relationship
Red (left arm up, with collar  bell) : Protection from Illness
Green (right arm up, with notebook) : Luck in Studies
Yellow (right arm up, with red envelope) : Luck in Marriage
Blue (left arm up, with notebook) : Luck in Career

Gold (left arm up, with Koban coin) : Business Prosperity
White (left arm up, with Koban coin) : General Good Luck in Business
Black (left arm up, with Koban coin) : Business Protection

Based on a previous design for Dunny series 4, comes this beautiful android Lucky Cats by Shane Jessup on the Android platform. Standing 3" tall, each cat represents a luck in a different area of your life. The full case of all 12 variants of the piece is available now for $120 in the Tenacious Toys online store.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book