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Court of the Dead

Apr 3, 2013

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Featured Product - April 3, 2013

Dudebox 7.5-inch The Fib Fairy by Tristan Eaton

Straight from Dudebox and Tristan Eaton comes this 7.5" tall vinyl fiend. Tristan Eaton puts his super cool character illustration style to a Fiend. This one is a mythical creature, kept enshrouded in darkness and locked in a secure place. Her power will compel you... just don't tell lies or you will discover the power of her wrath! Articulated at the shoulders, this piece could be yours for only $25 in the Tenacious Toys online store
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book