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Court of the Dead

Sep 26, 2012

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Tenacious Toys NYCC Booth 3121: The Collective

This year for New York Comic Con, we got a bigger booth (a triple) and we are splitting it with some of our best friends:

All of those guys bought into the booth, meaning they all have a permanent piece of the booth. Each of them have their own agenda, releases, customs, resin figures and artwork.

This blog post will be updated over the next week with details about each artist's events, and I'll also be posting more blog posts covering signings at the Tenacious Toys section of the booth, our exclusives and the various collaborations we have arranged. Stay tuned! There is a lot to share.

Matt Anderson will be displaying and selling customs and resin figures. His Night Terror artist series will be at the booth, featuring the custom work of many talented customizers.

Rsin will have custom work available at the booth, plus a lot of other things happening- his very own Dunny will be released at the Kidrobot booth at some point during the Con, so you'll be able to get your seigned either there, or back at our booth.

Mr. Munk has been going BEAST in his studio the past month or so, painting up the biggest variety of custom he's ever displayed anywhere. All will be for sale.

Kris Dulfer will be displaying & selling a wide variety of customs and resin figures alonside his buddy Brendan McGuiness, another budding customizer. Look for more collabs at his part of the booth with our friend Cash Cannon and others.

Ian Ziobrowski will be selling his customs from the Nugglife universe, as well as prints, alongside his brother Eric.

Bad Applez Inc will be rolling up with a huge variety of prints, resins and custom pieces by NEMO and Osiris individually, plus several Bad Applez Inc collaborative projects.

Tenacious Toys will be selling: Exclusives like the Uncle Argh Noir and JPK Pandaimyo Blue Mini Qees; customs and resin figures by a huge variety of artists and companies; prints; our Resin is King Series 2 blind box figures if there are any left; Jason Freeny's Gummi figures; VISEone's Tube Monsters; new vinyls from Bugs & Plush; and lots more. I'll cover all that type of stuff in subsequent blog posts.

More info will be added soon!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book