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Court of the Dead

Sep 23, 2012

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Grindhouse Swag x Menace Inc. WIP

From Menace Inc.:

Here is a WIP of the Resin Skull piece and the Headerboard art for the bag that it will be coming in. It is for the "Royale with Cheese" Grindhouse show on September 26th in Lexington NC. This will be limited to 10 pieces. 5 will be painted with a black splatter and heart design and the other 5 will have a red (Blood) splatter design with a black heart design. 15.00 each bagged and boarded. The pieces are hand cast resin 3.5" Tall 5" wide and 1/2" deep and can be displayed standing up.

Here are links to the gallery,

- Ahren
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book