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Court of the Dead

Nov 2, 2010

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Kings of Atlantis: Wealth King resin by END of Argonaut Resins

If you've bought a resin sculpt in the past decade, chances are you own a resin piece by Eric Nocella Diaz (END) of Argonaut Resins. END's been pouring resin for himself and for companies large and small for longer than I've been in the toy business. His latest collaboration with style-mongers Cookies-N-Cream is this skull sculpt for a project they're calling the Kings of Atlantis. There will be 5 different versions: Wealth, War, Peace, Wisdom & Sky Kings. Above pictured is the first piece: the Wealth King. Each resin sculpt comes with a matching talisman magnet, a certificate of authenticity and handmade custom packaging which END makes himself. 
To follow this project, and to see images of the upcoming 4 other Kings, go to Cookies-N-Cream's blog. To purchase, go directly to their web store.
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