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Court of the Dead

Nov 4, 2010

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20-inch Qee Bear Custom Show at Multiversal

If you are in the Sunshine State in early December, you have the opportunity to witness one of the craziest custom shows happening this year: Wizard Sleeve Toys is throwing a giant art show and sale called the Multiversal Group Show at this year's Art Basel in Miami, FL.
Along with the work of dozens of traditional artists, Wizard Sleeve Toys will be exhibiting 20-inch custom Qees in a show called "Qee to the City". Mike of WST and I pulled some strings and managed to get 8 giant 20-inch Qee Bears out to 8 of the most talented toy customizers working today:
With this much talent, and this much vinyl, the Qee to the City custom show is gonna be off the hook! I just got off the phone with NEMO and Ian and they're stoked about the giant Qees they just received!  Stay tuned to this blog, and the blogs of WST and the artists listed above, to see work in progress shots and teasers as we run up to the beginning of December.
You can follow the Multiversal Group Show on their website, Facebook & Twitter

This show would absolutely NOT be possible without the help and support of Raymond Choy and Kevin Winnik of Toy2R, and of course our friends at Apex distributing Toy2R toys here in the US.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book