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Court of the Dead

Sep 14, 2010

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Tenacious Toys Custom Marshall Blind Box Series reveal: Leecifer

Leecifer hails from Oaksterdam, CA. He likes spending time with his wife, drinking beer, playing video games and painting stuff. He once took a dump in the family pool and tried to blame it on their dog. Henceforth Lee was dubbed "Leecifer".

Here's what Lee has to say about his work:
"In regards to just customizing - I use all kinds of paint and spray-paint, markers, pens, pencils, pastels, etc.  I’ve hit up canvases, skate decks, walls, kicks/shoes, vehicles, all manner of wearables, door panels, toilet seats, furniture etc. I know I’m spacing on all kinds of stuff, but you get the idea.  I tattooed for a while (I didn’t stick w/ it long enough to get very good) also then, I didn’t think you could make a good living at it (little did I know).  I also spent almost 15 yrs as in-house design, illustration, and art direction for the phone company.  The job sucked horrendously, but I got to design giant inflatables, theme park styled costumes, set and stage design, vehicle graphics, all manner of collateral, stickers and posters, wearables for days, and stuffed animals of the corporate mascots and well tons of other stuff. I must say I miss the money, but love being able to do what I do now.

On commission work - I love people who come outta’ the woodwork w/ killer piece of vinyl and a crazy idea they want to see realized. That’s collaboration baby!!! Or the people who see a bizarre piece of my art on a wall and just instinctively get it even if they interpret it in a manner I’ve not thought of. I am beyond pleased that it spoke to them as well! These are the souls that keep me eating and living indoors and keep me constantly challenged and working. It’s to these folks that I say - from the bottom of my heart, thank you very very much for all the commissions and gallery purchases. I am honored and can only hope, that even in some small way, my work can make you as happy as you make me!!"
Leecifer contributed 4 Marshalls to our series: 3 like the one you see above, and one color variant.
You can follow Leecifer on his website, Flickr, and Twitter.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book