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Court of the Dead

Sep 15, 2010

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JonPaul Kaiser's 5" Mini Qee Samurai Pumpkin - GID Edition

I think my favorite seasonal toy offerings are those that come out just before Halloween... they usually involve either skeletons or pumpkins. This one's a glowing pumpkin Samurai. I bet he could carve a mean jack-o-lantern!
Diggin this new head sculpt Toy2R is producing! Here's the press release:

"The samurai code - loyalty, devotion and honor to the death."

JonPaul Kaiser's Samurai Pumpkin comes out of the night with stealth and precision. Rarely seen and never heard - this warrior follows the same path.

Toy2R is pleased to announce this very special and limited edition of the newly launched Mini Qee platform utilizing JonPaul's incredible design to create a warrior of unique character.

Dropping next month, the Glow in the Dark edition will strike in time for Halloween - so be quick and beware - others may be seeking the same.
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