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Court of the Dead

Jun 23, 2016

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Friday Night Suck Salon: Suckadelic Blind Boxes and Tenacious Toys Pile O Toys

Sucklord and I are very excited to show off a little bit more of what we will have on hand Friday night at his studios: He's going to be offering blind boxes for the first time, and they're price at just $25 each! Apparently each will contain a one of a kind figure (above).

Tenacious Toys will be rolling up with a wide selection of factory-made and hand-made collectibles. We will have some older Funko POP Rides and Hikari at insanely low prices, a Star Wars 6" action figure boxed set also at a discount, a grip of NEW Funko POPs that you've never seen before because they arrived yesterday: Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, UFC and Hillary Clinton! Yeah. Also on hand will be toys by Sketchbot, Yummyworld, 123KLAN, Jason Freeny, Toy2R, and Android plus resin by Forces of Dorkness, the last BLUE BOX by Carson Catlin, DIYs by RIVALs, and probably more that I couldn't cram into this image (below).

We will be making deals and accepting both cash and cards. MOST items from our stock will be sold for under retail and in some cases UNDER WHOLESALE so get there early and claw your way to the front.

In case you missed it, the location is:

Suckadelic, 99 Canal Street #3C, New York, NY 10002

Ring the buzzer for #3C. 

Join the Facebook event here to talk shit! Some of you LOVE talking shit! See you tomorrow!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book