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Court of the Dead

Jul 17, 2015

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Custom Coarse The Passage Set by Jon-Paul Kaiser

The Passage set created by Coarse Toys is an amazing 3 piece set of figures, that sit in a row boat. The Ignited Version of The Passage features GID versions of the figures, which include a Ruth, Void, and an Omen. One collector commissioned Jon-Paul Kaiser to take the Ignited Passage Set and put Jon-Paul's touches on the figures to make them truly unique. Jon-Paul cleaned Void's Mask to make the glow even brighter on the piece. With highlights and strategic accents, Jon-Paul was able to make create a fantastic finished piece. In order to really show the work and beauty of this piece, Jon-Paul went to his go to photographer Justin Allfree to provide pictorial justice to the piece. After hours in Justin Allfree's studio, positioning and capturing the perfect shot, Justin still spent a good amount of time processing the shots to produce the wonderful pictures that can be shared with the world. Since only a few people are able to appreciate commissioned pieces in person, it's always great to have a photographer like Justin Allfree who will make the photographs show how beautiful Jon-Paul's pieces really are.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book