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Court of the Dead

Jul 29, 2015

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Aresenal Of Artists No Toon Left Behind Show at SubUrban Vinyl

Suburban Vinyl, Playful Gorilla and Cash Cannon presents the Arsenal of Artists "No Toon Left Behind" group art show extravaganza. Opening on 8/15/15, from 4pm-9pm at Suburban Vinyl, this group art show centered around paying tribute to Saturday Morning Cartoons many people grew up with. With 70+ artists providing custom work, digital pieces and 3D sculptures, opening night should be one great night. Suburban Vinyl will be having a BBQ, raffles, and door prizes just to name a few things. So, for everyone in the area, be sure to head on down to Warwick, NJ and take in what looks to be a great show.

Playful Gorilla, Cash Cannon, NeMO, NuggLife, Kris Dulfer, Jfury, David Kraig, RenOne, Mike Die, Melodreama, Pon, ChrisRWK, Brutherford, Mind of the Masons, SoKo Cat, Claynexted, Anthony Respect, Deadhand Toys, Pope Phoenix,Jeff Beck Menace Inc.Studios, InPrimeWeTrust, Beast Box Designs, FreakyKiss Designs, ArtofCristos, Andrew Bones, Raz Christ, The Tonus, Erjurself, Dads Cartoons, The Fractured Nomad, Bun Leung, iRoc Toys, Big C, EOS, FrankMontano, Mr Lunacy, WhiteBoy, Derf Bunny, Chipsouper, Komega, Fernando Sosa aka Mstyle183, Nati513, CreateInkStudios, The 3D Hero, Ume Toys, Malo April, Save The Panduhs, Forces Of Dorkness, Obscure, InkOne, Zukie, JCRivera, Matt A* (Angry Artist), Zombie Petz, MaloWrx, JPK, Small Angry Monster, Shawn Wigs, Lou Pimentel
,TaskOne, Extratruckestrial, Cory Haberman, John Grayson, Kudose, MIGHTYMYUN, Rob3D, JacobJAMS, RSIN, Cat Atomic, Hoakser, Jon Walsh, Nerviswr3k, Koinky Dink, Joe Critelli, Flavia C, Laith Alabbad, Owen Lewis, Monstros Apparel

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book