Playful Gorilla and Cash Cannon Proudly Presents The Arsenal of Artists "No Toon Left Behind!" A group art tribute show remembering Saturday morning cartoons. The Arsenal of Artists follow up show will once again take place at the Suburban Vinyl Art Gallery in Waldwick NJ on August 8th, 2015 between 4pm - 9pm. "No Toon Left Behind" will feature the BIGGEST lineup of the summer! An unbelievably roster of talented artists ranging from toy artists to customizers, from digital illustrators to 3d artists. Each participating artist will bring original artwork with a cartoony twist throwing back to their favorite childhood memories.
The Arsenal of Artist is fortunate enough to have the amazing support of the community at large. A special thank you goes out to this shows sponsors who have graciously donated a wide arrange of items to be raffled off at the show. From nerd boxes to tattoos; from vinyl toys to 3d printed swag - our sponsors are a cut above the rest.
EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS: To learn more about Alex, Cash and their AoA organization, check out the interview that just ran on The Toy Chronicle!
For links to the pages of ALL the artists in this show, visit the AoA website and look at the bottom of the page.
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