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Court of the Dead

Mar 6, 2015

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Latest Babbies from FPlus

Josh "Fplus" Pearce has released his latest set of babbies upon the world. Only available for a limited time, Fplus released two Rhinarian Babbies and an Owl Bear Babby. The Rhinarian Babbies come in two different melon flavors, Watermellow and CAN-Elope, while the Owl Bear comes in a cotton candy colorway. These Babbies, along with a few of Fplus' previous releases are available to purchase now, with the Melon Babbies priced at $50 each plus shipping, while the Cotton Candy Owl bear is priced at $30 each plus shipping. Be sure to check out all the sweet Babbies that Fplus has created.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book