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Court of the Dead

Mar 4, 2015

Arts Unknown Closing Shop: 60% off everything, including brand new releases

Sadly, one of my favorite art toy companies, Arts Unknown, is closing up shop soon. I've been a fan of this company even before they launched, having been in contact with one of the founders from before day 1. Always personal service, AMAZING products and occupied a unique corner of the art toy market. I am not happy they are closing.

YOU on the other hand should be jumping for fucking joy because all of the items they made are now 60% off normal SRP. That's lower than wholesale. So grab your credit card, go here, and buy a ton of awesome full-size vinyl art toys because it's your last chance. AU makes some stellar pieces designed by Doktor A, Gary Baseman and Frank Kozik. Take advantage while you can. RIP
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book