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Court of the Dead

Oct 6, 2014

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FUnicorn teaser video by Bigshot Toyworks

FUnicorn Silver: available in Bigshot Toyshop on ZeroFucksFriday, October 17
When douchiness abounds, dickishness is afoot and general jerkiness is slung about for no good reason...HE WILL BE THERE!

Bigshot Toyworks proudly presents... the FUnicorn!! Riding to your aid like a majestical steed, dealing backhands of justice, with Zero Fucks given or taken. In a world of pretty ponies and other glitter-spewing magical creatures, the FUnicorn gallops across the land with his head held high, ready to spread his message… of love. 

The FUnicorn stands 8 inches tall, hand crafted in resin in limited numbers.
Capture the full color version for the direct, no-nonsense effect, or choose from Gold, Silver or Bronze to award the FUnicorn to your own Zero Fucks Hero.

Pre-orders for the herd of FUnicorns will be available in the Bigshot Toyshop on Zero Fucks Friday, October 17th, so prepare yourself for instant legendary status (free with purchase). Come to NYCC Booth 208 to see a FUNicorn prototype in person!

The FUnicorn...he puts the FU back in FUN!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book