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Court of the Dead

Oct 27, 2014

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Art of The Tag Group Show by Boundless Brooklyn at My Plastic Heart NYC

Boundless Brooklyn is having an art show at My Plastic Heart in NYC called "The Art Of The Tag: The Painted Water Water of NYC". Centered around customizing Boundless Brooklyn's Model Water Tanks, "The Art Of The Tag" show features works by a long list of awesome artists. All artists were asked to customize one of Boundless Brooklyn's Model Tanks, essentially "tagging" the mini replicas. Artists have been teasing WIP pieces, as well as completed Towers all over social media and the results are amazing. Be sure to follow Boundless Brooklyn on Instagram and also check out the gallery on the Boundless Brooklyn website, there is a lot of great work to be seen. For those in the area, opening reception for "The Art of The Tag Show" will take place on Saturday, November 1st, from 7-10pm. The show will run from November 1st til November 21st at My Plastic Heart NYC.
Boundless Brooklyn's Model Water Tanks come in 3 different sizes, the Micro, Mini and Mega. The Micro Tower measures in at 2 3/8" L x 2 3/8" W x 5" L, with the Mini Tower measuring 5" L x 5" W x 10 3/4" H, up to the Mega Tower which measures 7 1/2" L x 7 1/2" W x 15 1/2" H. Each Model Water Tower Kit is priced as follows: the Micro is $10, Mini is $20, and the Mega is $20, all plus shipping. Customers can save some money by purchasing the Trifecta package, which includes all 3 Model Water Towers which is priced at $50 plus shipping, a savings of $10. Purchase a tower and get customizing. Be sure to tag Boundless Brooklyn when posting any pictures of the towers.
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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book