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Court of the Dead

Feb 19, 2014

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Venom by Darren Clegg of Klang Customs

UK Artist Darren Clegg, of Klang Customs, recently completed a custom Venom figure, using a 7" Munny as the base. Venom is one of Darren Clegg's favorite characters and one day he decided to make a custom based on the character. The WIP shots show how much cutting and sculpting went into this figure. The paint palette is a bit simple, Black, Red and White, with a bit of accent on the protruding tongue. The completed custom could use a few more accents, highlighting a lot of the sculpted features. With a lot of work being done to create the small features, one can only wonder why those features were not accented somehow. Overall, this a good custom Venom munny which apparently has a bit of weight to it.



Venom is available through the Collect and Display online store for 100 GBP(or about $168) plus shipping. Pick up the Venom, another custom, or maybe even contact Darren Clegg for a custom commission.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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