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Court of the Dead

Jan 21, 2014

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18in Modern Hero Bank in White - MAD Toy Store Exclusive

18in White Modern Hero Bank - MAD Toy Store Exclusive
MAD Toy Design recently made the White 18" Modern Hero Bank available, as a MAD Toy Store exclusive. Limited to only 30 pieces, this huge white coin bank features a removable hat to reveal the coin slot, as well as an articulating head. The huge bank retails for $150 plus shipping. 
18in White Modern Hero Bank - MAD Toy Store Exclusive
18in White Modern Hero Bank, Coin Slot - MAD Toy Store Exclusive

This release goes along with the previous store exclusive colorways which include the following:
Take a look at all the colors on MAD Toy Design's website here.
This will make a great addition to any collection, with many colors to choose from, for now.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book