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Court of the Dead

Oct 28, 2013

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YO! custom BLind-Box for D-con 2013!!!

LittleHouse Designs have announced that at this years D-con, they will be releasing a blind box series of custom pieces on their new figure. 20 artists from around the world are participating, and the figures are only $50 a piece!!! Artists include: Tanya Davis, Jenn and Tony Bot, Goreilla, AnthonyRespect, Marsbars84, Eric Sorrells, Kuztom51, ChainsawNick, MostlyHarmlessvinylcustoms, Theotherguy, Rottendaughter, MessyMedia, _s0l1d_, Flawtoys, Bio594, Zard Apuya, Fedzart, BriksDozen, PlayfulGorilla/DonChulo, Enkyskulls, Krunster77, WheelhouseCreative, Troy Martin, Konfusedink, Blazonbrikhaus, and Sekohone! 

All customs will be on display and sold at random with the box having a corresponding number for the piece. You can find them at D-Con booth 501! They are also going to raffle off a custom piece on the 10th, for those that have followed thier IG (@LittleHouseDesigns) and re-posted ANY of their announcements... one re-post=one ticket, with no limit on re-post's OR tickets! So the more you re-post the more chances you have of winning... get re-posting!!!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book