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Court of the Dead

Oct 30, 2013

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Introducing the Tenacious Toys Exclusive Blue BUNNYWITH Affinity for Slave Women by Alex Pardee

Introducing our newest exclusive figure: a special Tenacious Toys Blue colorway of Alex Pardee's B.U.N.N.Y.W.I.T.H. Affinity for Slave Women figure. This iteration of the ever-flexible B.U.N.N.Y.W.I.T.H. character is 4 inches long and limited to just 100 pieces in this colorway. We'll be releasing them this Friday November 1st at 9AM EST in our Exclusives section (or the Just Arrived section, it'll be in both categories when it goes live) at $12 each. They come bagged with header card.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book