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Court of the Dead

Nov 6, 2012

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"The Phantom" by JPK

This Munny from Jon-Paul Kaiser will be raffled at the Apocalypse release at Kidrobot London. 

Kidrobot London:
We've teamed up with the talented mr JPK to raffle off an EXCLUSIVE to KRLDN custom he has produced just for our Apocalypse dunny release party! (being held at Kidrobot London, November 8th 6pm-8pm)

Here's the nitty gritty details on how to win:
- We're RAFFLING off "The Phantom"
- 1 FREE entry per CASE of Apocalypse purchased. 2 cases = 2 entries etc.
- We will announce the winner at 7.45PM sharp! If your name is drawn, we require you to be in the shop at the time to claim your custom (and most probably a congratulatory hug from mr JPK, 'cos he gives damn good hugs). If you are NOT here during the drawing, we will continue drawing names until the custom has been claimed.

Follow Jon-Paul here:

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book