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Court of the Dead

Sep 13, 2011

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New Thundercats customs by Jeff Beck

In our never-ending quest to seek out and work with cool artists, we ran across Jeff Beck. Or he ran across us. I can't remember.... anyway, Jeff does awesome character customs so when we were talking about what he should do for our site, I asked Jeff what he was into and he gave me a list of some comics, shows, cartoons.... and we decided upon the new Thundercats! Above are the work-in-progress shots he just sent us of his new Thundercats custom Munnys: Mum-Ra, Panthro and Lion-o, from left to right.
This is the back of Jeff's Lion-O custom, which will be flocked!

This is the back of the Panthro custom, in progress
Jeff started to experiment with the flocking on Lion-O's arm, and it looks AWESOME!
Once this series of customs is finished, they'll be for sale in our shop. I'll make a Jeff Beck page in our custom toy section so they'll be easy to find. Keep an eye on our blog for more updates on Jeff's Thundercat customs!
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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book