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Court of the Dead

May 23, 2011

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SCRIBE Solo show May 26th at Gallery1988 in LA

"BAGGAGE & FREEDOM" by D. Ross "scribe"
opening reception Thursday, May 26th from 7-10pm at Gallery1988: Melrose

Gallery1988: Melrose is proud to present "Baggage & Freedom," a solo exhibit from Kansas City artist D. Ross, better known as "Scribe." This Thursday, May 26th, from 7-10 PM, come celebrate with the artist, as G1988 unveils the paintings and sculptures of one of the most sought after vinyl artists working today. Enter Scribe's signature world of playful animals and graffiti, with his most extensive body of work to date. The gallery will also have a limited time installation from Scribe, so make sure to come to the opening to see it! This show will run through July 1st. Stay tuned to the Gallery1988 blog for more details.

Gallery1988: Melrose  
7020 Melrose Ave.  
Los Angeles, CA 90038
(323) 937 - 7088 
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book