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Court of the Dead

May 24, 2011

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Patricio Oliver Beast Rider Ruby Paladin Giveaway at OppLOL

We've provided OpportunityLOL a 7.5-inch Patricio Oliver Beast Rider figure to give away on their site. Click here to go to their review and read details of this giveaway. 
For your reference, here are their rules and ways to win:
For up to 3 chances to win this giveaway follow all of the steps below. If chosen by as the winner please be prepared to email your name and shipping information. Good luck everyone!
  1. "Like" the Opportunity LOL Facebook page and post on the wall/comment on the Beast Rider post.
  2. Tweet @OpportunityLOL, @TenaciousToys , and @thetenebrae you want to win! For instance: "I want to win the EPIC Beast Rider by @thetenebrae from @tenacioustoys being given away by @OpportunityLOL" A bit of a tongue twister, but it works!
  3. Join the Opportunity LOL e-mail list! If you join the email list you will receive an entry into ALL giveaways done on Opp LOL from now on and will receive an e-mail when future giveaways occur so you can find out the item you may win + enter additional ways.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book