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Court of the Dead

Jul 4, 2009

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Who's da BOMB?! Custom Bomb Show-Off project

OK, this project is evolving before our very eyes!

We were able to obtain a couple more batches of Bombs to fulfill the requests of roughly the first 100 people who responded to our offer. Those Bombs will ship out to us next week some time and we'll forward them onto those of you we've already been in touch with. We have worked diligently all day yesterday to respond to each and every email we got, whether or not we have a free Bomb for you.

(It should be mentioned that our offer was picked up by several non-designer-toy-related "freebies" websites and that generated a deluge of emails from people outside our toy community requesting free Bombs. We were not able to grant any of those people a free Bomb simply because we are totally out of Bombs and our distributor is as well.)

I reached out to the good folks at Delicious Drips yesterday for their help. They are actually far more entrenched in the DIY/custom toy scene than we are and because they are awesome, they volunteered their help in several ways by co-sponsoring the Custom Bomb project (which we have given a real name: "Who's da BOMB?!").

Delicious Drips has a wonderful community-driven Custom Toy Submission section which is brand-new.
You can sign up and submit your custom toy to be voted on by the community.
Why is this cool? Because once you have finished your custom Bomb, not only will you email images to us at Tenacious Toys but you can also upload the image to Delicious Drips and have your custom Bomb voted on!

Because that will be a time-sensitive endeavor, we have set a hard date for submissions: August 31st.

The 3 winners with the most votes on their Custom Bombs will receive one of 3 REALLY awesome prizes which we will announce in the flyer, which I will work on this weekend! Honestly these are actually quite valuable prizes so I need to personally thank Lief from Delicious Drips for very generously volunteering to co-sponsor the Who's da BOMB?! project. It's really taken the whole concept to the next level.

If you are one of the hundreds of people who was not able to get a free Bomb from us, you can use a special coupon code for $2.00 off the purchase of a 1.5" Toy2R Mini Bomb from Delicious Drips: whodabomb is the code you should use.

Keep checking back here for the flyer which I will hopefully be able to finish by the end of this weekend.

Thanks everyone for your interest in what is shaping up to be quite an extensive Custom show!
100+ pieces? That's just nuts. Really nuts...
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