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Court of the Dead

Jul 1, 2009

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Custom Toy2R Mini Bomb Show-Off

We have a fun little custom project we want to tell you about:

Lately we've been sending a few customizers some figures to work on and we were very taken with the customs they produced.
An Italian artist that goes by the name Willow sent us this picture of a custom 1.5" Mini Bomb we sent him:...and that got us to thinking: these Mini Bombs are so small, ANYONE can finish one in an hour or so. The shape is really simple and lends itself to creative customization. Each Mini Bomb also comes with a disc-shaped base which can also be painted or customized.

So, here's the deal: email us with your shipping address if you want one of these Mini Bombs to customize. All we ask is that when you are finished, you email us a nice big picture of your Custom Bomb.

I've already been in touch with Toy2R and they said they'd post up pics of all the customs on! I'll also post up the pics in an album on Facebook and link to your website if you have one.

AND, if you want us to, you can mail the Custom Bomb back to us and we can sell your custom on our website for whatever price you want to ask for it. We won't take a commission out of the sale price, just the wholesale cost of the Bomb and anything we spend on shipping. And we'll Paypal the rest of the money to you.

We're calling this project the Custom Bomb Show-Off because it's not really an official custom toy show, it's basically just a low-cost way for you to show off your customizing skillz and maybe get some recognition.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


  1. Thank you, this is a really great offer. I couldn't imagine myself selling it though, after customizing it! I will send pictures though.

  2. I'm in. The thought of customizing a "custom toy" - one mustn't say b**b - the FBI looks for those wrds....

  3. They can monitor me all they want, I don't mind. I sell plastic toys so they can come check out my warehouse and open it up and all they'll find is little vinyl toys and plushes. No big deal. I've been selling tiny plastic Mini Bomb toys for years with no problem...

  4. Thank you so much! I can't wait to customize the toy. I will send pictures afterward.

  5. Looks like fun. I will send picturers. I'm a artist in my own style and this will be fun. Thank You

  6. I LOVE this idea, and the bomb is so cute!
    I would love to try to customize and send this back... would be awesome to get some people to see what I can do... great opportunity, thanks!!

  7. i think this is going to be a cool thing to do


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book