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Court of the Dead

Apr 26, 2018

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New SMASH JIZO-ANARCHO release from Devil's Head Productions

The new Avengers movie Infinity War is out this Friday, April 27th! In honor of the film there will be a small amount of "SMASH" Jizo's available in the Devil's Head Productions webshop that morning to coincide with the films most handsome character. Go grab one!

JIZO SMASH! Sound familiar? I must admit that I am starting to feel the superhero burn but who doesn't love a good classic Hulk tribute? This release features a gritty, dirty purple paint rub glossed over with clear sprays of green and purple complimented by subtle metallic sprays. Of course there is a battle damaged 1 off chase that will ship at random. The chase features some dark areas of bruising splattered by sprays of blood from Jizo's pummeled victims. Made in Japan. Not intended for children under 14 years old. $30.00 each.

There is one lonely SMALL "East Coast Skull Krew" shirt in the webshop that we will happily donate to the first person who orders something and requests it in their order email. PLEASE DON'T REQUEST IT unless you intend on making sure it gets worn. Karma is a bitch folks.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book