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Court of the Dead

Apr 25, 2018

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Maza Warriors by Credenda Studios Drop April 28 at Dead Have Resin 2 show at Atomic Books in Baltimore

Credenda Studios is back! After taking some much needed time off, Beau Greener of Credenda Studios is back in action with a brand new figure line, the Maza Warriors. Inspired by the early Japanese figures Maba Zombies, the Maza warriors are here to wreak havoc on your toy shelves. Otis is the first Maza Warrior in the line. He's got one nasty attitude and has been dubbed "the Henchman with a Grudge." 

Each figure is packaged in a clear plastic box with a card stock base for him to hang out on. They are all hand painted and hexed in order to achieve maximum evilness. They are limited to only 15 figures, but other single color variations will be available in the future. 

Otis will be available this Saturday the 28th, at the Dead Have Resin 2 show at Atomic Books in Baltimore, Maryland from 7-9pm. After the show, the remaining pieces will be available on the Atomic Books website for a month. But be sure to grab one early because these little hell raisers won't stick around for long. 
Atomic Books

So see other projects by Credenda Studios, check out his online shop and Instagram.
IG: @CredendaStudios

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book