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Court of the Dead

Mar 13, 2018

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Pitbull Will Be In Uglydolls Movie

OMG I am so excited that a pitbull will be in the Uglydolls movie!!! Yaaa


Pitbull Comes Aboard STX's 'UglyDolls' As Voice Cast & To Pen, Perform Original Song


OK so our favorite canine will NOT be in the Uglydolls movie, but the man who has adopted our dog's moniker WILL be, so there's that. Here's the PR:

What a coup. Pitbull is coming aboard his first film to pen and perform an original song and also lend his voice to one of the key characters in STX's UglyDolls, the animated film directed by Robert Rodriguez which will launch the company's family and animation division. The film will be released in 2019.

The film, which is based on the pop culture toy of the same name, is being seen as a franchise play by Robert Simonds and his STX Entertainment as they look for Pitbull to be involved in every facet of the rollout across all company platforms - STXtv, STXdigital and STXsurreal VR.
In addition to his millions of fans around the globe, Pitbull is huge in the social media universe with over 56M fan on FB, 27M on Twitter and 6M on Instagram. He also has more than 9M subscribers on his YouTube channels.

Pitbull, whose real name is Armando Christian Perez, is a Grammy Award-winning, multi-platinum international music star who is also business savvy.
"It's truly an honor to have the opportunity to work alongside the STX team and be involved with UglyDolls," said Perez. "The brand takes a fun approach to universal messages no matter color, culture or creed. These are themes I am passionate about, and our team is very excited about this partnership."
Pitbull will voice one of the key characters in the animated UglyDolls movie, where the UglyDolls confront what it means to be different, struggle with their desire to be loved, and ultimately discover that you don't have to be perfect to be amazing because who you truly are is what matters most.
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