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Court of the Dead

May 26, 2017

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Martin Hsu Pop Up at Pioneer Saloon Hawaiʻi, May 26

Pioneer Saloon, Monsarrat Ave. Shave Ice and ʻUmi Toys Hawaiʻi present Martin Hsu Pop Up and artist signing at Pioneer Saloon (3046 Monsarrat Ave. Honolulu, HI 96815) from 5-7 PM

Artist Martin Hsu makes his return to Hawaiʻi 8 years since his previous event at Split Obsession back in 2009. Martin will be displaying some of his new works inspired by his current visit to Hawaiʻi as well as signing copies of hew newest book release "Dragon Boy Tales". Martin will also bring a variety of prints, books, original art pieces, and his Dragon Dog plush.

Prior to the event Monsarrat Ave. Shave Ice will be having its Shave Ice Happy Hour from 4-6 PM. Monsarrat Ave. Shave Ice will offer $1 off its entire menu of all natural fruit syrup topped shave ice

During the event Pioneer Saloon will be open to serve its full menu of plate lunches and ramen burgers until 8pm.

So please stop by and enjoy the evening with us.


Martin Hsu
Pioneer Saloon
Monsarrat Ave. Shave Ice
ʻUmi Toys Hawaii

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book