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Court of the Dead

Feb 7, 2017

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What is Sofubi? An eBay Buying Guide. Yeah, you read that right

Worth a blog post for several reasons:
  1. There are now user-generated "Buying Guides" on eBay (I guess this is like Wikipedia for... eBay purchases?)
  2. There's an article about sofubi that came up #1 (!!!) when you search Google for "sofubi" - try it yourself!
  3. They mention Funko's Hikari figures, which I was what I was trying to edit on my site when I searched "sofubi" on Google
I noticed that some of my Hikari listings had the word "sofubi" in the title, which was an error on my part. Somehow one old Hikari listing on my site had the word sofubi, and I never dropped that word out. Sofubi, as I understand it, is a JAPANESE word that means soft vinyl. So when a Japanese person makes a soft vinyl figure, it's sofubi. They are Japanese, so they make the item in Japan. (Shout out to KaijuKornerAndy whose YouTube video was used in the Buyers Guide, by the way!) So I was editing products to remove that word as I don't want to misrepresent the Hikari products on my site.

More reasons this is interesting:
  1. Writing a useful Buyer's Guide could get you to the coveted #1 spot on Google. If you nerd out on a certain category of toy, I recommend writing one of these guides on eBay.
  2. Sofubi is interesting enough to the general public to have a guide written and published.
  3. It's still being argued about whether sofubi can come from China when manufacturer uses same techniques and materials. I say NO, it's a different term for soft vinyl from China, but hey what the fuck do I know, I'm just a gaijin.
  4. If you've never seen how the small Japanese mom & pop shops produce sofubi, watch the video. Super interesting
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