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Court of the Dead

May 11, 2016

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Fight Club Figures by K.A.KIM x Blitzway

In the current day of 3D scanning and rapid output by companies like Hot Toys, it's always great to see amazing skills of a figure sculptor. Korean figure sculptor K.A.Kim (Kyung-ah Kim) has been doing some amazing work. One of her latest creations soon to be produced is Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club, Tyler Durden. Working with a 1/6 scale figure, there are currently 2 versions of the Fight Club character available for purchase. K.A. Kim hand sculpts the immense details for the masters, capturing every nook and cranny which will later be produced by Blitzway, a fairly young Korean manufacturing company. Currently, the Fight Club figures are up for pre-order on Blitzways website, priced at $249 each plus shipping(which is $20). Also available is a set option for both versions of the figures, but an additional costume will be included. Expected release is July 2016. For those interested in the sculpting process, K.A. Kim posted a few videos on her Social Media pages. Check out more pictures on the Fight Club figure product page, here.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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