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Court of the Dead

Aug 2, 2015

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CHEAP RESIN: "Lost Time Labs"

Here are a couple REALLY RAD bootlegs from the guys over at "Lost Time Labs"!
On the left we have "Universe Master"
6" handmade bootleg resin toy. combines various masters of the universe figures. Both arms are (re)movable and posable.
In the right we have "BLAASTERMINATOR"
5.5" tall handmade bootleg resin toy. fantastic four x terminator x thundercats. comes with motu sword weapon, no parts move though.
Both these guys are long since sold, but I can safely say I am beyond excited to see what they come up with next!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book