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Court of the Dead

May 1, 2015

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Nohwitz by Rocketboy x Bold Machines

Not too long ago, Rocketboy, aka Ryan McClure, got one of his designs chosen by Bold Machines to be a part of their 2015 program. Bold Machines is The Innovation Workshop at Stratasys, an industry leader in 3D Printing technology. Most people are familiar with the name MakerBot, which produces a more affordable 3D Printer. MakerBot is a subsidiary of Stratasys, since 2013. Back to toys, Nohwitz is a cubicle creature, Rocketboy's latest design, which was chosen by Bold Machines to go from design to production. Using 3D printing technology, Rocketboy has been working with Bold Machines to develop, design and produce Nohwitz  into a designer figure. Nohwitz is now ready to be released to the public, so Rocketboy has painted up 10 of these 7" tall Nohwitz figures to be released on May 8th. 5 pieces will have a black tie and will be sold through Rotofugi, while the other 5 will have a red painted tie and be sold through Tenacious Toys. To celebrate this launch, these 10 pieces will be priced at $45 plus shipping.
To accompany the release of the painted Nohwitz figures, a bagged DIY version of Nohwitz will also be available to purchase on May8th through Rotofugi and Tenacious Toys. Limited to 25 pieces, each 3D printed figure will include 1-pair of hands and 1-pair of teeth, as well as a Nohwitz sticker. There are 3 different variations of hands: hands, tentacles, or hooves, and also 3 different variations of teeth: Fangs, tusks, or molars. Each figure will come with a random pair to attach to the base.
In addition to the initial release of the Nohwitz figures, Rotofugi will have a group show titled: Nohwitz All, featuring 24 different artists: 64 Colors, Betso, Davemarkart, DrilOne, Frank Montano, Infinite Rabbits, James Fuller, JC Rivera, Jeremiah Ketner, JFury, kOmega, Malo April, Malo One, Max Bare, Mike Die, Nugglife, One-Eyed Girl, Patrick Wong, Rocketboy, Rsin, Tasha Zimich, TaskOne, Travis Lampe and Veggiesomething. Opening reception will happen on May 8th from 7-10pm at Rotofugi, while first availability to purchase will occur when the gallery opens at 11am on May 8th. Rotofugi Gallery Preview email subscribers will be able to make purchases at 2pm on May 8th via email. Here are a few teasers of finished pieces from a few participating artists. The exhibit will run until June 7th, 2015.
Custom Nohwitz by 64 Colors
Custom Nohwitz by DrilOne
Freakazoid, Custom Nohwitz by Fuller
Runs Hot and Cold, Custom Nohwitz by Tasha Zimich
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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