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Court of the Dead

Jan 6, 2015

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Julian by Logan Fitzpatrick x Everyday Mooonday

A South Korean based company named Everyday Mooonday, has teamed up with Brooklyn based artist Logan Fitzpatrick, to create "Julian". Everyday Mooonday is a Gallery based in Seoul, Korea. Logan Fitzpatrick actually had a solo show at the Everyday Mooonday Gallery, which ran from March 7 to April 11, 2014. "Julian" is Everyday Mooonday's first art toy, which is limited to just 500 pieces. Standing at 15cm (~5.9 inches) and made of soft vinyl, Julian's $59 price may seem a bit high but the piece does translate Logan's art very well. Hopefully this won't be the last art toy produced by Everyday Mooonday. Be sure to follow Everyday Mooonday and Logan Fitzpatrick on each of their respective websites.
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