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Court of the Dead

Dec 9, 2014

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Back the Pop Up Art Book on Kickstarter, featuring Tara McPherson, Jim Mahfood, Junko Mizuno, Skinner, kozyndan, and Angry Woebots

This colorful, intricately crafted book features multi-dimensional spreads from six internationally renowned artists who are each recognized for their unique work: Tara McPherson, Jim Mahfood, Junko Mizuno, Skinner, kozyndan, and Angry Woebots.

The idea behind this group book is to represent a wide range of contemporary art styles in an exciting new pop up format, and our ultimate goal is to get this book in as many of your hands as possible. After creating and self-publishing our first book, Pop Up Funk with artist Jim Mahfood in 2013, we reached out to other artists with the same simple concept: to take their art apart and then re-construct it as a three-dimensional pop-up spread.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book