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Court of the Dead

Sep 30, 2014

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Despair is coming from Adam Quesnell and Stand Up! Records

Adam Quesnell is a comedian on Stand Up! Records and also happens to be an avid toy collector. Being an avid toy collector, Adam couldn't just release an album and call it day. Instead, Adam and Stand Up! Records teamed up with illustrator Terence Brown II, October Toys and Tru:Tek to create a 3" rubber toy called "DESPAIR".

Adam on the history of Despair
Despair is a demon from the 10th Circle of Hell; the level where people who make bad cinematic adaptations of classic toy properties are flayed for eternity. Not your average demon, Despair suffers from severe anxiety disorder and crippling depression.

Satan himself banished Despair from Hell for being a major bummer.

Cast out upon the earth in a fiery geyser of lava and tears, Despair landed in the parking lot of a comedy club that was hosting a weekly open mic night.  Despair put his name on the sign-up sheet, got on stage, and told his story. Since then, he has been punishing himself, night after night, on comedy stages of varying quality throughout the Midwest. He dances and lashes himself for audiences with hopes of selling t-shirts and CDs to drunk people who will not wear or listen to them.
Despair will release on Halloween 2014 and will coincide with the release of Adam's album "Can We Afford This Much Despair?". The initial Despair figure release will be the flesh colored rubber, with more colorways to follow(check out Adam's website for a sneak peak). Each figure will come with a code to digitally download Adam's album. Stay tuned for more info, as pricing and availability has yet to be released.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book