The latest keshi sculpt by The Disarticulators has been revealed, named Atomic Uchuujin. Inspired by the banned Ultra7 character Alien Spell, Atomic Uchuujin was sculpted by Zectron and is roughly 2.75" large. The figure is being cast in premium rubber by Tru:Tek, with many colorways planned for the future.
Atomic Uchuujin is slated to make it's first debut at a Rampage Studio's Keshi party on February 7th, in a Japan Only preview run. This figure will be limited to 10 pieces each of a flesh colorway and a secret "gift only" colorway. Each figure will be packed with a blueprint header card and a yet to be announced special companion piece. Atomic Uchuujin is expected to be priced at around 3000 yen($29). A Western release will be made available at a later date, so stay tuned for this news in the future.
If that news wasn't enough, a few of these Marbled Madballs of Death and Oozeball sets are going to be available, in limited quantity, at the event.
Feb 6, 2014
man-e-toys, rampage toys, the disarticulators

Atomic Uchuujin - by The Disarticulators
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