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Court of the Dead

Nov 12, 2013

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Emilio Garcia's 24k gold plated jumping brain, 28 in skull brain and 4 foot jumping brain

Emilio Garcia revealed three new pieces at the 2013 Swab Barcelona Art Fair. The first is a 28 inch tall skull brain made out of fiberglass and limited to only 10 pieces worldwide. Each piece is signed and numbered. The second is a 24 karat gold plated 5 inch jumping skull. This will be the final edition of this size in this material. This will be limited to only 20 pieces worldwide, signed and numbered. The final piece is a massive 4 foot fiberglass jumping brain which will be limited to only 5 pieces. All pieces are produced by Garcia's own Lapolab and made in Spain. The pieces will be available in Garcia's online store shortly… though interested art enthusiasts can place a reservation by contacting the artist.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book