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Court of the Dead

Nov 21, 2012

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Today's launch: OLD vs NEW series

It’s almost time for the sale of the second series from Battle of the Mascots: OLD vs NEW.

The Blind Boxes (2 from each participant as well as 10 chases so 50 in total) will be available in our store TODAY at, 5pm NYC, 7am Melbourne, 11pm Netherlands. Make sure that you are on time, because they will go fast!

"The Battle of the Mascots" blind box battle is back for a second round and it is bigger than ever! This time we have 20 of the worlds best vinyl customizers doing battle for the title in what is set to be a crazy event! The warriors from battle one have joined forces to wage war against the onslaught of a new army and the line ups are stacked with talent! Team Old consists Don P, Sekure D, Commandante, Matcandraw, NikeJerk, Alex Break, Loz Hausofboz, JFury, JC Rivera and Fuller.
The new comers are Charles Rodriquez, Stuart Witter, Color Chemist, El Hooligan, Wheelbarrow, Squink, Jar, RunDMB, MaloApril and Nugglife.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book